Monday, February 1, 2010

My Music Video of the Week: "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne

Many music videos are useless or unnecessary. But there are also the music videos that define their song. This is an example of the latter.

I was reintroduced to this gem of a song last week while I was playing Guitar Hero: Van Halen. In addition to the multitude of obligatory Van Halen stuff (which was an excellent collection of their work, I might add), these themed Guitar Hero games typically feature a mix of additional artists. Some of these are supposed influences to the title band, others may be descendants with a similar sound and artistic style. I do not feel that Fountains of Wayne are either of these, but I'm not going to complain about their inclusion in the game. Not with this song.

This is definitely one of those songs that stands to be enhanced by a good music video. There are many, many music videos out there these days that are little more than various action shots of the band rocking out to the featured song ("Let's stick them in a cool room, on a rooftop, or in an abandoned house! Then What? Special effects, that's what! Perfection!"). This is a waste of the potential and purpose of a music video, and whether or not this can be taken as a reflection on the quality of the song's contents is a matter for an entirely separate debate. But on rare occasions a song provides the band with the source material necessary to accomplish something truly worthwhile.

The results for this particular video are hilarious which, while predictable, should still be commended for the successful interpretation and execution. I especially enjoy the perverted masseuse, the exploding pop bottle, and the highly controversial and somewhat unclear conclusion.

See Also: An interesting interview with the band from 2004. I especially appreciate the acknowledgment by the band that a great music video can launch a song.

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